
20 videos with this tag.

Johnny Appleseed Organic Climate Farming™ Series
Digging a Micro-Swale with the Rotary Plow
Johnny Appleseed Organic is a sustainable living development near Folkston, GA, where they are pioneering the next step in the…
Joshua Anderson
Joshua Anderson Johnny Appleseed Organic
Johnny Appleseed Organic Climate Farming™ Series
Power Composting with a Flail Mower
In this installment, Joshua Andersen of Johnny Appleseed Organic demonstrates power-composting the farm's hearty Coker oat grass with a flail…
Joshua Anderson
Joshua Anderson Johnny Appleseed Organic
Johnny Appleseed Organic Climate Farming™ Series
Digging Mini-Swales with a Subsoiler
Joshua Anderson of Johnny Appleseed Organic prepares a future Mayhaw Grove by digging mini-swales , or foot-long deep channels, along…
Joshua Anderson
Joshua Anderson Johnny Appleseed Organic
Johnny Appleseed Organic Climate Farming™ Series
Cleaning, Widening, and Deepening Paths with a Power Ridger
In this installment, Joshua uses the power ridger attachment on the BCS two-wheel tractor to re-bed the paths in between…
Joshua Anderson
Joshua Anderson Johnny Appleseed Organic
Climate Victory Garden Series ✰ Sponsored by Greenhouse Megastore
Constructing a Greenhouse
Watch along as Congaree and Penn, a 330-acre Jacksonville, Florida agricultural destination, share their past and current projects, including the…
Scott Meyer
Scott Meyer Congaree and Penn
Climate Victory Garden Series ✰ Sponsored by Greenhouse Megastore
Utilizing the Greenhouse: Starting Seeds for the Market Garden
Join Haley Hopkins, greenhouse manager at Congaree and Penn, as she demonstrates the propagation of rare and heirloom seeds, highlighting…
Haley Hopkins
Haley Hopkins Congaree and Penn
Climate Victory Garden Series ✰ Sponsored by Greenhouse Megastore
Introducing the Usage for the Market Garden
Welcome back Haley and Scott from Congaree and Penn as they update how Congaree and Penn is growing their crops…
Haley Hopkins
Haley Hopkins Congaree and Penn
Climate Victory Garden Series ✰ Sponsored by Greenhouse Megastore
Harvesting the Market Garden
Join Scott Meyer and Haley Hopkins of Congaree and Penn as they discuss the harvest process as part of their…
Scott Meyer
Scott Meyer Congaree and Penn
Climate Victory Garden Series ✰ Sponsored by Greenhouse Megastore
Culinary Uses for Market Garden Produce
Join the folks from Congaree and Penn as they discuss the ways the produce from the market garden is integrated…
Scott Meyer
Scott Meyer Congaree and Penn
Fuller Field School Series
Day 1 ⭐ Morning Presentation by Nicole Masters
[video url=" 1 Morning Nicole Masters 1 FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 1 ⭐ Morning Presentation by Sara Keough
[video url=" 1 Morning Sara Keough FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 1 ⭐ Afternoon Presentation by Nicole Masters and Sara Keough
[video url=" 1 Afternoon Nicole Masters and Sara Keough FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 1 ⭐ Afternoon Breakout by Nicole Masters
[video url=" 1 Afternoon Breakout Nicole Masters FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 1 ⭐ Afternoon Breakout with Sara Keough
[video url=" 1 Afternoon Breakout Sara Keough FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 1 ⭐ Afternoon Breakout with Lynette Fuller
[video url=" 1 Afternoon Breakout Lynette Fuller FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 2 ⭐ Morning Presentation by Nicole Masters
[video url=" 2 Morning Nicole Masters 1 FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 2 ⭐ Morning Presentation by Sara Keough
[video url=" 2 Morning Sara Keough FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 2 ⭐ Afternoon Presentation by Nicole Masters
[video url=" 2 Afternoon Nicole Masters FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 2 ⭐ Afternoon Presentation by Sara Keough
[video url=" 2 Afternoon Sara Keough FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers
Fuller Field School Series
Day 2 ⭐ Afternoon Q and A
[video url=" 2 Afternoon Q and A FINAL.mp4"]
Fair Speakers
Fair Speakers