Wind Turbines and Bird Kills

Reader Contribution by Cam Mather
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I was asked to speak to the Quinte Field Naturalists recently about personal steps towards sustainability. I knew this group had a great many “birders” in it, so I was a bit apprehensive. Birders in my area have been very outspoken against big wind. So let me state three things here first. 

  1. I love wind power. Big, small, local, at my house, in the ocean, in fields, I love wind power. This is my bias.
  2. Wind turbines kill birds. Not many, but some. How many is what is relevant.
  3. Big wind turbines take some getting used to. Even though I love the look of big wind turbines, I am the first to admit that when 90 of them went up on Wolfe Island, they changed the look of the landscape. I don’t think it’s in a bad way, but many in my province do.  
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