The Best States for Wind Power

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Wind turbines on the horizon in west Texas. Texas is the U.S. leader in wind energy, with more than 8,000 megawatts of installed wind capacity.

The United States has incredible wind power resources. Although wind energy currently provides only slightly more than 1 percent of U.S. electricity, that number is rising rapidly. A recent government report projects that we could get 20 percent of our electricity from wind by 2030. Most of that growth will be from utility-scale wind projects, although there’s great support for developing small wind power too, including home-scale wind turbines and small community-based projects.

So, which areas of the country have the best wind resources? Here’s a quick look at how different states compare in terms of which locations are naturally windy, and which are proving to be windy at heart by supporting programs and financial incentives to develop wind power.

Naturally Windy Places

In general, the windiest spots in the United States are off the coasts, in the mountains, and right down through the Great Plains, where a band of strong winds stretches from North Dakota to Texas. Take a look at this U.S. Department of Energy wind resources map for a quick glance at where the wind blows.

For another look at the windiest states, consider this report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), which lists these 10 states (in order) as having the best wind energy resources.

  • Published on Sep 1, 2009
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