Wind Power History: Marcellus Jacobs Interview

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Marcellus Jacobs posing with a model of one of his durable, fault-tolerant wind power generators.
Marcellus Jacobs posing with a model of one of his durable, fault-tolerant wind power generators.
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Marcellus Jacobs, a leading light in wind power history, sitting for an interview in 1973.
Marcellus Jacobs, a leading light in wind power history, sitting for an interview in 1973.

On June 2nd and 3rd, 1973 a Wind Energy Conversion Workshop was held in Washington, D.C. The gathering was sponsored by the National Science Foundation and implemented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Well sir…conferences and symposiums and workshops and all the other fancy meetings held to “study” a problem are all right, I suppose. But a fellow sometimes wonders if they’re worth the trouble it takes to organize them.

This particular assembly was no exception. For, we’re told, after nearly two days of absorbing reports and addresses from people who’ve experimented with and used wind power…many of the “experts” and “engineers” there still didn’t have what you could call a grasp of the energysource’s potential. “You mean you really run all your lights and appliances and a typewriter and stereo and TV on electricity produced by a wind plant? You mean you’re doing that right now?” one incredulous engineer asked Henry Clews.

“I mean, if this thing actually works we should find out if it’s practical enough to put into production.”

It was then that an authoritative-looking 70-year-old gentleman rose to his feet and educated the audience about wind power history. He said, in effect: “Why, you young whippersnapper. You’re trying to reinvent the wheel. Not only will wind plants work…not only can they be put into production…and not only can they be manufactured and sold profitably…but I personally built and marketed approximately 50 million dollars worth of the units from the early 30’s to the mid-50’s. We were already in full swing before you were born.”

  • Published on Nov 1, 1973
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