Remember when we first mentioned Wind Power Digest
back in MOTHER EARTH NEWS NO. 32’s “Special Windplant Section”?
Remember how we noted that WPD’s first (and only; at that
time) issue contained a veritable wealth of useful
but that, without more help and support; we feared there
might never be an Issue No. 2?
Well, good wind energy news: we’re glad to say a lot of folks responded to that
notice, and thanks largely to them — and their dollars
(which is what all struggling infant publications need the
most) — Wind Power Digest lives on. Issue No.
2 was published this summer, and it’s every bit as good as
No. 1.
In fact, WPD No. 2 features photos and evaluations
of Comet, Zephyr 7.5 kw, Salter Rte-7000, and Amerenalt I
windplants . . . a look at Aero Power’s new component
blades . . . a review of H.F. McColly and Foster Buck’s old
1935 six-volt homebuilt generator plans . . . a special
reprint of a 1910 how-to article (complete with
schematics!) for building your own old-fashioned
water-pumping mills . . . an interview with North Wind
Power Company’s Don Mayer . . . reports from various groups
and individuals researching wind power and its potential .
. . plans for a working Dutch windmill replica . . . reader
letters offering help, knowledge, equipment, and ideas . .
. and (whew!) just too many other features to adequately
mention here.
So c’mon, folks: Now we’re doubly sure Wind Power Digest is a valuable and outstanding source of
wind energy news and know-how. It deserves your support.
You can still buy issue Nos. 1 and 2 for $2.00 each, or get
’em both, plus the next two numbers — yep, WPD’s
publishing more or less regularly now — for a mere six bucks.
Send your money and encouragements to Mike Evans, Editor,
Wind Power Digest, Bristol, IN.