The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

Reader Contribution by Ben Nelson
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Today, I attended a ground-breaking ceremony in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The ground-breaking was for a new 100KW (one hundred-thousand watts) wind turbine project to be located at the Port of Milwaukee.

Creating renewable energy through wind turbines is a natural fit for the coastlines of this country, including the “Middle Coast” of the Great Lakes. As I arrived at the event, it was clear that this was a great place for wind energy – most of the event took place indoors due to the weather, mostly the wind.

As I stepped in to the Port Authority building, it was already packed with a good size crowd. Televison cameramen had already lined up for the best view of the podium where the “press conference” part of the event would be held at. Since I had my slightly-fancier-than-average video camera with me, I just snuggled up between the wall and the CBS affiliate. When one of the city officials was greeting the media before the start of the event, she asked me who I was with. I told her that I was a clean transportation blogger. Much to my surprise, she was excited to have me there, asked for a card, and wanted to know more about what I did!

Wow, suddenly, I’m the media!

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