Here in Kansas we got some unexpected good news this week. There’s new momentum at the state level to pass new regulations to promote renewable energy. (Kansas has lagged behind most other U.S. states on this.) For any fellow Kansans out there, here’s an article from the The Lawrence Journal World with more details.
For others in the United States, here’s how you can find out more about what your state is doing to promote renewable energy. Follow the links below to see how your state compares in two key areas:
1. Does your state have a net metering law?
These laws affect the price homeowners get paid for any electricity they produce. Check out the Department of Energy’s EERE Website for more on how net metering policies work, including this handy map which shows which states have net metering laws. (Hint: All but eight states do.)
2. How about a renewable portfolio standard?
These are goals the states set to mandate how much of their electricity must come from renewable sources. So far, 24 states have RPS policies. You can find out which ones by checking out this map, as well as this table, to see which states are setting the highest goals. (As usual, California is at the head of the class on renewable energy, but many other states have set ambitious goals.)
I’m looking forward to the day that Kansas is on these lists.
To find out about other renewable energy-related activities that are happening in your state, check out this EERE page of State Activities and Partnerships.