Solar Applications in Rehab

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The solar application that keeps the addition center's greenhouse warm consists of ten collections panels, two heat exchangers, and an insulated water storage tank. Since its conversion, the structure has used almost no fuel oil.
The solar application that keeps the addition center's greenhouse warm consists of ten collections panels, two heat exchangers, and an insulated water storage tank. Since its conversion, the structure has used almost no fuel oil.
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RIGHT: Vegetation in this addiction center hothouse has flourished since a sun-heating system was installed. RIGHT: Center residents grow vegetables and ornamentals as therapy.
RIGHT: Vegetation in this addiction center hothouse has flourished since a sun-heating system was installed. RIGHT: Center residents grow vegetables and ornamentals as therapy.

Now that folks everywhere are discovering and utilizing the
advantages of solar heating, it’s not unusual to find solar applications everywhere from doghouses to office
buildings. Even the South Carolina Department of Mental
Health got into the act last year, when it installed a
solar collector system at one of its agencies . . . the

  • Published on Mar 1, 1980
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