Seven Springs Speaker Spotlight: John Ivanko, Renewable Energy Specialist

Reader Contribution by Erica Binns
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Get to know John Ivanko, co-author of Farmstead Chef, ECOpreneuring and Rural Renaissance.

What are you going to speak about at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR?

I’ll be talking about powering your homestead with renewable energy. From wind energy to photovoltaics, solar thermal to geothermal systems, from all-electric CitiCars recharged with off-grid PV systems to firing up your tractor with home-made biodiesel (made with waste fryer oil), there’s an abundance of ways to reclaim control over the energy you need to make your home or business go. Without getting too technical, I’ll talk about inverters and grid-tied systems, living without a clothes dryer and using a solar oven and woodstove cooktop to prepare our meals which I also write about in my new cookbook, Farmstead Chef, which will be launched at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR.

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