Schools Save Money by Installing Wind Energy Systems

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Photo by Istockphoto/Carrie English-Montoya, Istockphoto/Sidsel Jakobsen
Learn how schools save money by installing wind energy systems, and more schools are taking advantage of wind power opportunities.

Many school districts across the country found that schools save money by installing wind energy systems and are taking advantage of wind power.

Schools Save Money by Installing Wind Energy Systems

Across the United States, schools are discovering the power of wind turbines. More than 100 schools in 30 states have already installed wind energy systems, and many more are planned. These projects are popular because they save schools money by reducing their high electric bills, and because a wind turbine on school grounds can help educate the local community about the benefits of renewable energy.

How exactly does installing a wind turbine save money? The key is that it’s a long-term investment. The initial cost of the turbine pays for itself over time in reduced electric bills. Exactly how much can be saved depends on how windy the location is and how high a price the school can get for the extra electricity it produces. School wind projects aren’t ideal everywhere, but in many cases, wind pays.

Could a school wind project work for my community? Teresa Galluzzo, a research associate at the Iowa Policy Project, has done considerable research on what makes these projects successful. She co-authored a report, Wind Power and Iowa Schools, which looked at 15 schools: 10 that installed wind turbines, and five that considered wind projects but decided against them. Galluzzo says the schools that installed turbines had several things in common. “They all had significant wind resources, and all were able to negotiate a good price for the extra electricity they produced,” she says. “They also all had someone who was enthusiastic about bringing wind to their community.”

  • Published on Sep 7, 2008
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