6 Home Solar Myths Debunked

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Solar panels prove an aesthetically pleasing addition to any home.
Solar panels prove an aesthetically pleasing addition to any home.
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The Red Oak Park a neighborhood in Boulder, CO features renewable energy design.
The Red Oak Park a neighborhood in Boulder, CO features renewable energy design.
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While DIY is always an option for the electrical- and heights-inclined homeowner, consider hiring a professional firm to source, install and maintain your solar photoelectric system.
While DIY is always an option for the electrical- and heights-inclined homeowner, consider hiring a professional firm to source, install and maintain your solar photoelectric system.
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The Alamosa Solar Generating Project consists of over 500 dual-axis, pedestal mounted tracker assemblies, each producing 60 kW. Each tracker assembly is 70 ft. wide by 50 ft high and contains 7,560 fresnal lenses that concentrate sunlight by a multiple of 500 onto muIti junction cells. The photovoltaic assemblies are located on 225 acres in the San Luis Valley near Alamosa, CO.
The Alamosa Solar Generating Project consists of over 500 dual-axis, pedestal mounted tracker assemblies, each producing 60 kW. Each tracker assembly is 70 ft. wide by 50 ft high and contains 7,560 fresnal lenses that concentrate sunlight by a multiple of 500 onto muIti junction cells. The photovoltaic assemblies are located on 225 acres in the San Luis Valley near Alamosa, CO.

Despite the many advantages of solar electricity, including its recent cost effectiveness, some remain skeptical about photoelectric technology. A number of common misconceptions fuel this skepticism. In this piece, I’ll debunk six of these, most importantly those regarding the cost and reliability of home solar electricity. Let’s get started.

1. There’s Not Enough Sunshine In My Area for Solar

America is bathed in sunlight. Solar works, even in the Pacific Northwest or the Northeast where cloudy days are more frequent — you’ll just need a bigger system. Photoelectric systems produce optimally in spring, summer and early fall. Bear in mind, you don’t need a crystal-clear, blue sky to generate electricity. Even on cloudy days, solar electric systems easily generate 10 to 20 percent of their full capacity.

2. The Cost of Solar Is Too High

The costs associated with home solar electric systems have plummeted in recent years, mostly because of industry streamlining. In fact, solar has never been cheaper.

  • Published on Mar 3, 2016
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