Thinking about solar energy? Good for you l I’ve been in
the heating and cooling business for many years, and I’m
completely convinced that solar energy is the most
practical solution to the energy crisis.
However, you may be shocked when you find out how much
solar collectors cost. Relax! I’ve got some good news for
you: the biggest and best solar collector in the world is
already in place at your doorstep. It’s just waiting for
you to use it.
The biggest and best solar collector, of course, is good
old mother earth. Every day she soaks up tremendous amounts
of energy–enough energy to heat and cool every home,
school, office and factory in the world. Where is all this
energy stored? Well, much of it is stored in ground water–in water just 50 to 100 feet deep in the ground.
And you can tap this energy for your own use, to heat and
cool your home. All it takes is a ground water heat pump
and a couple of water wells. That may sound like a
complicated and expensive system, but it’s really a very
economical system that can pay for itself in fuel savings
in just a short time. Let me tell you how it works.
Here in Virginia, for example, the water 50 feet deep in
the ground stays at a constant temperature of 60° all
the time, summer and winter. With a ground water heat pump,
instead of cooling the outside coil of your air conditioner
with hot outside air, you cool it with 60° ground
water. Your compressor has to work only half as hard, and
you cut your electric bill in half.
In the winter, it’s just the reverse. Instead of burning
expensive fuel, you use 60° ground water to boil Freon
in a heat pump. Again, it’s a very simple system, and the
saving in your fuel bill is enormous.
And talk about conserving natural resources! The ground
water heat pump system doesn’t waste a drop of water. All
the water you pump from one well goes right back into the
ground by way of a second well. And you don’t pollute the
water, either. All you do is take some heat out of the
water in winter, and put some heat back in the water in
summer. It’s like a great flywheel with the sun replacing
the energy you use.
Some of the best-known companies in the industry are now
manufacturing ground water heat pumps, and the cost of the
equipment has become very reasonable. The only big expense–the only reason everybody hasn’t already switched to a
ground water heat pump system–is the high cost of
drilling two wells for each system. The prices commercial
drillers charge have gone out of sight. That’s the reason I
got a HydraDrill.
Now I’ve got to say one thing: I never thought I wanted to
be a well driller, but I’d never seen anything like this
HydraDrill. Let me tell you. It was delivered to our shop
one afternoon, and I took it out to a job site to fool
around with it a little bit and see how it works. Wow!
Before I knew it, I had drilled down 50 feet! I had no idea
it would be so easy!
The next morning I took one of the boys with me and we
finished that well and put a pump on it and got a solid
stream of water. Then we moved to the other side of the
house and drilled the second well. In less than a day and a
half we had completed both wells. A commercial driller
would charge three or four times what it would cost us to do the
job ourselves.
And another thing, the Hydra-Drill goes places a commercial
driller couldn’t take his big drilling rig. We can drill in
backyards. We can drill up next to the house. We can even
drill behind the rose bush if we want to. There’s just no
place we can’t drill with a Hydra-Drill.
We’ve got our drilling costs under control now, and our
ground water heat pump sales are spreading like wildfire. A
lot of times, we’ll be drilling and a neighbor will come
over and ask us to drill a well for him. I have to say
“Sorry, we’re just too busy. Why don’t you get a
Hydra-Drill and put in the well yourself?”
People ask me about the Hydra-Drill They want to know if
it’s practical and if I’m pleased with it. My answer is
“Definitely! Absolutely! I’m just amazed with it!”
NOTE: Mother’s readers can get a big, fully illustrated
information kit on the HydraDrill including a booklet, “How
to Drill Your Own Well” from
DeepRock Mfg. Co.