Aspirations of the Energy Poor are the Key for Solar to Thrive

Reader Contribution by Cindy Nawilis

1.3 billion people live without access to electricity. Of this, eighty percent reside in rural areas and are considered as individuals at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP). Day in and day out they rely on energy sources like kerosene, which is both expensive and harmful to use. They have been waiting for the electricity grid to arrive—and they’ll continue to wait for decades.

In the last five years, falling costs of solar technology have made solar economically viable without subsidies for off-grid communities. This market opportunity is driving entrepreneurs to quickly establish themselves in the space.  As they continue to improve their product offering, distribution and after-sales networks for solar products, market demand too is growing.  It’s becoming clearer every year that solar technology has the potential to leapfrog the electricity grid in many developing countries where electrification rates are still low.

How can businesses keep up with this potential solar growth? Hint: it’s all about the customer.

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