Eco vs. Ego: Giving Up Activities That Hurt the Environment

Reader Contribution by David Glenn
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It is funny that there is still a disconnect between those people who are “environmentalists” and those who do not think that protecting the environment is important. After all, if we want to keep living on this earth, and keep it the way it is, shouldn’t we all technically be environmentalists?

In recent years, there has been an increased awareness surrounding the need to reduce our carbon footprint, and many more people are now trying to do their part. However, there are still a lot of people who are stuck without knowing exactly what they can do to help. And even more who are struggling against their own desires, versus what is best for the planet. But setting aside your ego, and letting go of your luxuries does not have to be as dramatic as it sounds. Here are a few of the things that you can give up that are hurting the environment.

Driving to Work Every Day

Or simply driving everywhere for that matter. As a society, we have become overly reliant on our cars, and it is not only affecting the environment but also our general health. If you can share a ride with someone else, do it. If you can take public transport instead of driving, do it. If you can walk or cycle somewhere, definitely do it.

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