DIY Photovoltaic Power

Reader Contribution by Doug And Jennie Ostgaard
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In mid-2012, we avid do-it-yourselfers cast a lustful eye on photovoltaic solar for our home. We reasoned that the sun was there every day – why not capture its free, clean and renewable energy? The thought enticed us not unlike Ralphie in A Christmas Story

Just like Ralphie, was enticed by the Red Rider BB gun, but held at bay by the threats of shooting his eye out, we were enticed by shiny solar possibilities with the threats of failing and being made a laughing stock (at best) or becoming a pile of incinerated ash (at worst). Danger does lurk around every corner for the novice and/or the careless, and extreme caution should be the rule. Being aware of this, we still decided the take the plunge and build the system ourselves. We began the build in January 2013. Six months later, we completed the project successfully and were up and running.

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