Energy Cooperatives Make ‘Solar Gardens’ Bloom

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Photo by Samir Qadir.
Solar co-op members in Maryland proudly stand next to their solar inverter.

Have you ever admired a strong, community-supported business? If so, it may be a co-op. By common definition, co-ops are comprised of workers, consumers, farmers, and others who work together to meet a common goal for the group.

Because they’re owned collectively, co-ops also strive to keep financial benefits within their communities instead of allowing those benefits to line the pockets of outside investors.

Historically, many co-ops have focused on farming and organic food. Their growing popularity in the United States means that more than 30,000 co-ops now exist for a wide variety of enterprises, ranging from hotels to hardware stores. And recently, the co-op movement has expanded to include renewable energy.

In many ways, alternative energy is a natural fit for co-ops. Community-driven renewable energy efforts allow experts and laypeople alike to band together and fund projects that benefit them all. Most of these projects would be too expensive to attempt otherwise — examples include neighbors acquiring a stake in a local wind turbine company, or managing fields to grow crops for biodiesel.

Solar power is the sector in which renewable energy co-ops have really taken off. As the affordability and accessibility of solar panels has improved in recent years, more people have turned to sunlight for their energy needs — and co-ops are making the process simpler than ever. Because they pooled their resources and expertise, many solar energy cooperatives are now on the cutting edge of community solar initiatives and are pushing innovations that will make solar an option for more people.

  • Published on Jul 21, 2017
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