Making Solar Electricity Affordable

Reader Contribution by Staff

Many people who are contemplating installing solar electric systems on their homes struggle with the high initial costs. To pay for a system, they either have to dip into their savings or take out a loan. A 3- to 5-kW grid-connected solar system, suitable for most homes, can run $30,000 to $50,000.

Even with recent legislation that provides a 30 percent tax credit for solar and wind systems for homes and businesses, the cost of such as system will still cost $21,000 to $30,000, which is a substantial piece of change.

Isn’t there some way to reduce this cost?

There is. It’s called efficiency.

Richard Perez, founder of Home Power magazine, ran the numbers. He found that every dollar invested in energy efficiency could reduce the cost of a photovoltaic (PV) system by $3 to $5.

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