World Ecology In 1972

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Our wildlife is one of the most important gifts on this planet and we must take care to preserve it.

A SHORT MESSAGE ABOUT brown pelican hatched in california this year.

When Tweedledum (the “free” capitalist world) and Tweedledee (the earnestly dreary communist world) had agreed to have a battle —

Just by then flew a monstrous crow
As black as a tar-barrel,
Which frightened both those heroes so
They quite forgot their quarrel.

Because today every political, international, ideological, and racial dispute is piffling and irrelevant beside the fact that human beings, with misapplied technology, are about to destroy their planet. Air and water, for example, cannot be divided by political boundaries; the rich must breathe the same air as the poor. We are, as the saying goes, all in the same boat–and the boat is sinking.

* The planet is dangerously overpopulated, and there will be a world-wide famine by 1975 unless food production is increased by 25%.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1971
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