Build a Wilderness Shelter

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Setting up a ridgepole is the first step is creating a leaf hut shelter.
Setting up a ridgepole is the first step is creating a leaf hut shelter.
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Tom Brown's leaf hut can keep even a naked inhabitant warm in the dead of winter. A finished leaf hut wilderness shelter might look something like this. 
Tom Brown's leaf hut can keep even a naked inhabitant warm in the dead of winter. A finished leaf hut wilderness shelter might look something like this. 
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Cover the framing sticks with brush.
Cover the framing sticks with brush.
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Cover the brush with leaves.
Cover the brush with leaves.
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Next frame out the hut's sides by leaning sticks against the ridgepole at a 45° angle.
Next frame out the hut's sides by leaning sticks against the ridgepole at a 45° angle.
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Then secure the walls with more branches.
Then secure the walls with more branches.

When you’re out collecting firewood, foraging for wild edibles, or plowing your fields, you can never be sure that you won’t suddenly be faced with a situation in which your survival depends upon your ability to make a shelter, find food and water, and build a fire. In fact, even if you’re ‘safely” ensconced in the security of a cabin, a farmhouse, or a city apartment, any number of natural or man-made disasters can force you to keep yourself alive by using only what is available in nature.

However, any person who knows how to provide his or her necessities, without having to depend on manufactured commodities, can endure even if a calamity severs all ties with the rest of society. And wilderness living abilities are particularly important assets for the alternative lifestylist, camper, sportsperson, or other nature enthusiast who enjoys spending time away from the trappings of civilization.

But good survival skills include more than the ability tolivethrough a disaster. They can also approach a pure art form, and help men and women enter into a deeper kinship with all of creation. Consider how rewarding it would be to be able to build a wilderness shelter from natural materials …to make your own fire …to gather, prepare, and preserve wild edible plants for their nutritive and medicinal value …to find water where there seems to be none …to stalk, hunt, and kill game with a bow and arrow made by your own hands from the materials around you, then to use every part of that animal, from the hoofs and hide to the bones and meat …in short, to be able to eliminate your dependence upon civilization and purchased goods and do without even such basic items as matches, candles, and rope!

Unfortunately, a lot of people avoid learning these skills because most survival schools in this country teach that staying alive in the wilds is a desperate struggle, that the survivalist must always strive to overcome the threats posed by nature. Indeed, the whole wilderness survival concept has acquired a macho image!

I believe–and teach–just the opposite. A person trying to live in the out-of-doors should experience no need to fight, feel no pain, and endure no hard work. Indeed, whenever humans try to conquer the pure and natural, they are always defeated …and sometimes killed.

  • Published on Sep 1, 1981
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