Why I Eat Wild Meat

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Self-described "campfire philosopher" David Petersen is a former editor for MOTHER EARTH NEWS. He is the author of nine books, including the 20th anniversary edition of "Racks: A Natural History of Antlersand the Animals That Wear Them." David and his wife, Caroline, live in a self-built cabin in the Rocky Mountains, where they grow and hunt their food.
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One of the great benefits of hunting, regardless of its outcome, is the opportunity to observe amazing wildlife and the beautiful natural world as you might otherwise never experience it.
One of the great benefits of hunting, regardless of its outcome, is the opportunity to observe amazing wildlife and the beautiful natural world as you might otherwise never experience it.
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Bear tracks in sand.
Bear tracks in sand.
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Hunting wild game often affords the hunter the opportunity to see beautiful animals in a natural setting.
Hunting wild game often affords the hunter the opportunity to see beautiful animals in a natural setting.
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Wild turkeys huddle up in the snow to stay warm.
Wild turkeys huddle up in the snow to stay warm.
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Hunting for your own dinner provides physical and mental exercise, plus some of the healthiest food on the planet.
Hunting for your own dinner provides physical and mental exercise, plus some of the healthiest food on the planet.
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Nature writer and veteran fisherman David Petersen shares the joys of fishing for your own dinner with his grandson, Robbie.
Nature writer and veteran fisherman David Petersen shares the joys of fishing for your own dinner with his grandson, Robbie.
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The end of a successful hunt ... and the beginning of a clean, natural,
The end of a successful hunt ... and the beginning of a clean, natural, "locally grown" meal.

David Petersen has a long history with MOTHER EARTH NEWS magazine. He is the former Western Editor, and built his Colorado cabin from an early set of our building plans for a pole barn. He first met Edward Abbey when he interviewed him for the magazine. Check out his 9 wonderful books at David Petersen Books.

The out-of-doors is our true ancestral estate. For a mere five thousand years we have grubbed in the soil and laid brick upon brick to build the cities; but for a million years before that we lived the leisurely, free and adventurous life of hunters and gatherers. How can we pluck that deep root of feeling from the racial consciousness? Impossible!
— Edward Abbey

  • Published on Dec 20, 2011
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