Weed Control Alternatives

Reader Contribution by Bruce Mcelmurray
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Right now talking about weed control seems pretty ridiculous with the ground covered in snow. I was getting my weeding tools out to clean and sharpen in order to be ready for next springtime and thinking it is wise to plan ahead because those weeds will surely present themselves when this snow melts. I especially like to cut the weeds back that have stickers which get into the dogs fur. Locally we are being told that Canada thistle is an invasive species and will crowd out native vegetation but I have not seen that threat mature yet in our area. The Department of Agriculture wants weeds like Canada thistle and leafy spurge plus a host of other weeds eradicated from our common lands and our property. Our community seeks to comply and their last effort at weed control was to apply copious amounts of 2,4, D, Amine 4 to noxious weeds. Failure to seek out every thistle and saturate it with spray or rip it out by the roots seems to upset some zealots who are more committed to killing weeds with toxic spray rather than protecting the environment.

I personally observed a dead deer laying in the meadow with no apparent external cause of death and numerous deer and elk with tumors on their bodies. Some people are still of the belief that if a little is good then a lot is better. I personally witnessed spraying this toxic chemical on a specific location in the morning and later that day saw a herd of deer eating the sprayed weeds. One of those responsible told me that he was also using an experimental herbicide on leafy spurge that he obtained from a university professor who was one of his friends. Using an untested herbicide without knowing its potential toxic side effects on humans and four legged animals is seriously irresponsible in my opinion. People who are more intent on killing weeds at the risk of our safety need to be kept away from spraying apparatus so they don‘t get carried away with their obsession.

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