Of all the water we use at home, an average of 30 percent is used for outdoor activities like watering lawns and washing cars. But in some of the hotter areas and times of year, that number can shoot up to 60 percent.
Tip: Planting a water-smart garden can help you save water when temperatures heat up. Look for low water-using plants and flowers that are native to your region. Unlike some thirstier varieties, these plants require little watering beyond normal rainfall once they are established. Your local garden store or water utility may be able to help you find the right plants for your area, and you can search for native plants in the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Native Plant Database. The U.S. EPA’s WaterSense program also has some ideas for you.
Image courtesy of U.S. EPA.
(Sources: U.S. EPA WaterSense Program. EPA WaterSense)