Whether you’re new to Mother Earth News or a veteran reader, odds are you’ve a) wanted more information on particular topics; b) finished reading an article and had something to say about it, pro or con; or c) wished we’d included more firsthand experiences from those who have “been there, done that.”
These are good “problems” to have; they’re all signs of just how engaged and passionate the Mother Earth News community is. Now we’re excited to have the ultimate solution for all of those scenarios — the new and improved Mother Earth News Web site. If you’ve ever wanted more Mother Earth News, this is your fix. There’s something new online nearly every day, and all of it is free.
Comments. Next time you have something to say about an article, don’t just sound off to your nearest friend, relative or pet — share your thoughts with the world by posting a comment to the article. Anyone can comment on any article on the Web site. Sometimes the comments are just cheers (or jeers) for the article. Sometimes they take off into a debate or discussion among dozens of people, adding information that enriches the article. Comments are always welcome — we want to hear from you.
Blogs. What the heck is a “blog”? It’s short for “Web log,” and basically they’re frequent bits of information. Each of our blogs has its own identity, but the posts therein generally are short reports on things that are interesting or practical, or just plain fun. We also have a growing number of personalities you’ll enjoy getting to know through their blogs: Jack McCornack and his quixotic quest for 100 mpg; Barbara Pleasant, who has one of the greenest thumbs on Earth; Jenna Woginrich who’s learning to homestead and having a ball; Gwen Roland, a sage homesteader whose curiosity has always outweighed her fear of failure; and Bryan Welch, the philosopher/farmer who also happens to sign our paychecks.
Ask Our Experts. Living wisely is great fun, but we all have lots of questions along the way. With our new Ask Our Experts feature, you can send us questions about organic gardening, homesteading, green building and more. Our experts answer as many as they can on the Web site, and we feature selected answers in the magazine.
Online articles. We have more ideas than can fit in the six issues we publish each year. So we’re adding new articles to the Web site every week — on the same wise living topics you know and love. And you’ll still find nearly every article from 38 years of the magazine.
E-newsletters. One of the easiest ways to keep up with what’s new on the Web site is our e-newsletters. Each is free, arrives in your inbox biweekly, and features original online articles, blogs, Ask Our Experts, articles from current and past issues of the magazine, forum topics, photo galleries and much more.
This is your Web site. So join the conversation! And come back often.
— Mother