The Earth's Best Music

Reader Contribution by Stan Slaughter
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    Readers of MOTHER EARTH NEWS often hear a different drum. And while some of us live in remote areas and commune with nature daily, others work a regular job and take inspiration where they can. A new online radio station can provide some of that inspiration. has listeners in 100 countries and draws from a playlist of more than 5,000 songs in its eco-audio database. The music spans six decades and many genres. A parallel station,, offers music specially programmed for children and families. 

    These two stations are supported by the non-profit organization MUSE (Musicians United to Sustain the Environment). MUSE was founded by the late Walkin’ Jim Stoltz, a legendary musician, long distance hiker and activist. His goal was to bring together all the talented voices who are writing, singing and playing in support of the planet’s health. Now the world has access to the great diversity of musical styles, genres, and artists that stream across cyberspace each day.

    I have personal experience here: I perform across the Midwest as The Eco-Troubadour, providing assemblies for students on recycling, composting and all things green. Back when gas was cheap I traveled broadly to conferences and concerts, meeting and performing with fellow eco-artists. I had the pleasure to host many of these artists and organize house concerts for them. I recently donated 70 albums from my collection of eco-music to Earthday FM, which is always happy to review new music. Although, I must say that after listening to the ongoing stream of great music, that their collection and variety is huge. 

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