Teaching English Abroad

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Photo by Fotolia/John Gomez
Don't be skeptical. Teaching English abroad could add adventure to your life and career.

Global demand for English language education has created a need for qualified teachers — and sometimes “qualified” just means you grew up speaking it! Whether you’re an established teacher or thinking of transitioning into the profession, it’s a legitimate way to earn a living and see more of the world. Here are some organizations that can help you find a position teaching English abroad.

United States Information Agency  

This organization will put you in touch with Binational Centers (BNC) all over the world. BNC’s are autonomous institutions operated by associations of local citizens and American residents, and are established for the purpose of fostering better international understanding. These centers hire teachers locally (and will usually hire you on the spot if you’re a native speaker of English). You can also write ahead to the center of your choice. In either case, no placement fee is charged.

Peace Corps 

In order to get a job with these folks, you must have a degree and you must be in the United States when you apply (since you’ll be required to take part in a training program). The pay scale for Peace Corps workers is relatively low, since it mirrors the income of the people of the host country. However, the organization does provide a sort of “readjustment allowance” when your job stint is over, to help you out when you first come back to the States.

  • Published on Nov 1, 1984
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