Sustainable Restaurant Association Greens Dining in the United Kingdom

Reader Contribution by Anna Flin
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Founded by a team of sustainable business CEOs, restaurateurs and renowned chefs, the Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) officially celebrated its launch March 1, with eco-friendly drinks and canapés, and the goal of accrediting restaurants in the United Kingdom who pledge to achieve their sustainable food service establishment standards.

Like the U.S. based Green Restaurant Association (GRA), which launched in 1990, the SRA provides a rating system patrons can consult when choosing where to dine.

In order to become accredited, restaurants request an audit which evaluates three primary issues: “sourcing, environment and society.” Under these broad categories are 14 specific topics, which include inquiries about choices such as purchasing ethical meat and dairy products, choosing fair trade coffee, monitoring energy use, supporting community charities and serving tap water. 

Based on these criteria, UK restaurants can receive a bronze, silver or gold window sticker to display, and be listed in the SRA’s partner guides as a sustainable restaurant. 

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