This November 3, thousands will gather across the country in an attempt to inspire our leaders to take climate change seriously. Step it Up 2007 is urging every community large and small to take part in the National Day of Climate Action by organizing gatherings in places named after historic leaders, and spreading the word about three key benchmarks in the effort to curb global warming trends. These three priorities, introduced by the 1 Sky initiative, include the following:
- Ensure there are 5 million green jobs conserving 20 percent of our energy by 2015
Participants will paint an index finger green, indicating that they will vote with the environment in mind next year. So far, three presidential candidates have accepted invitations to attend: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), and John Edwards (D-N.C.). (You can invite your representatives by clicking here.)
Visit their Web site to find events near you, and if you’d like to organize one, there’s plenty of information and promotional materials available to you.