Sprouts and Snippets: Allergies, DIY Treasure and NASA Scraps Mission

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Photo courtesy Voyagerix/Fotolia
Ragweed can be a major contributor to a person's allergies.

As if Allergies Aren’t Bad Enough

Global warming is making allergy seasons worse, according to a study conducted by United States Department of Agriculture plant physiologist Lewis Ziska. Higher levels of CO2 have resulted in higher temperatures, and increases in CO2 stimulate photosynthesis, vegetative growth and pollen production, Ziska says. The USDA looked at CO² levels and pollen counts of ragweed, a major allergen. Ziska tested pollen counts at varying levels of CO2: 280 parts per million (the pre-Industrialization level), 370 ppm (roughly today’s count) and 600 ppm (an estimated level for the future). Ragweed pollen counts doubled at each interval.

Treasure-trove for Tinkerers

Do-it-yourselfers, bargain hunters, hobbyists, tinkerers, artists and experimenters owe themselves a look at American Science & Surplus (www.sciplus.com). The company sells a wide range of unusual, hard-to-find items. Most have a scientific or educational slant, some are simply handy, and many are amusing or downright bizarre. The clever descriptions alone are worth the time. The inventory changes constantly, but we found small solar panels, transformers, meters, AC and DC motors, and 13 kinds of rechargeable batteries. Among the 23 major product categories are electrical parts, house and garden, switches, tools, hardware, optics, toys and robot parts.

  • Published on Feb 1, 2007
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