Signs of Spring

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Male peepers songs serve as territorial markers, a pointed message from creatures slightly larger than a human thumbnail.
Male peepers songs serve as territorial markers, a pointed message from creatures slightly larger than a human thumbnail.
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Sounds of the season include the rise-and-fall chorus of male peepers serenading for mates.
Sounds of the season include the rise-and-fall chorus of male peepers serenading for mates.
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These delicate orchids are the ladies-in-waiting of spring. Pink lady's slippers get their name from their shoe-shaped petals, which also inspire their nickname, moccasin flowers.
These delicate orchids are the ladies-in-waiting of spring. Pink lady's slippers get their name from their shoe-shaped petals, which also inspire their nickname, moccasin flowers.
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You say woodchucks, I say groundhogs. Either way, their fleeting connubial bliss is a dependable sign of spring.
You say woodchucks, I say groundhogs. Either way, their fleeting connubial bliss is a dependable sign of spring.
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A handsome ruffed grouse emerges to search for the girl grouse of his dreams.
A handsome ruffed grouse emerges to search for the girl grouse of his dreams.

Signs of spring to watch for, from plants and animals to sights and sounds. 

Let me be the first to greet you happy new year. No, not
the first of sullen January, a day only calendar watching
human could consider noteworthy, Nature’s new year, the

  • Published on Apr 1, 2002
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