Become Self-Reliant While You Can

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Is this the position you want to be in if and when calamity strikes, or would you rather be self-reliant?

Regular readers of this column — and, indeed, most folks who’ve bothered to keep an eye on the spending power of those dollars that we all work so hard to obtain — are well aware that “things ain’t like they usta be” as far as the world economy (and opportunities for “little guys” to accumulate enough cash to actually get ahead) is concerned.

In fact, since this column was “born,” we have pointed out over and over again that the free ride which began with the colonization of North America, South America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc. — and was accelerated by the availability of inexpensive, “below-value” petroleum energy — is all but over.

Worse yet, despite its rocketing inflation and swelling unemployment figures, 1980 may well look like “the good old days” before the next year, or two years, or three years are over. And it’s highly unlikely that the results of this autumn’s election — regardless of whatever surprises come to pass between this writing and November 4 — will make a danged bit of positive difference as far as that gloomy future is concerned.

However (and, to repeat what regular readers of MOTHER EARTH NEWS have learned long since), the hard times that are very likely to come don’t have to bring suffering down upon your household. And they won’t, if you simply start, right now, to become self-reliant. Get yourself and your family out of the “paper promises” economy of E-Z Loan credit companies, shun compulsive consumerism that our “leaders” are still saying can save us all, and take whatever steps are necessary to put your faith in (and begin to base your lifestyle upon) common sense and real wealth.

Your “Times to Come” Can Be Good!

  • Published on Nov 1, 1980
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