Recycling Crisis: Is It True?

Reader Contribution by Kurt Jacobson
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The author’s dog on her West Paw bed.

Plastics ruining the oceans are a common sight on both TV and internet news. I’m sure it’s a big problem and am doing what I can to stem the tide. Many of us Mother Earth News readers want to help but aren’t sure where to start. Read on to find out some of the challenges and solutions I’ve found to address this dilemma.

When I read a story in the Baltimore Sun’s June 24th issue about recycling efforts going to waste, I was shocked by the amount of items meant for single-stream recycling being sent to landfills. The article points out one of the most significant problems is consumers don’t know how to recycle correctly. The author also tells about China cutting back on purchasing our recycled paper, and other recycled items. Here are some of the things you can do to help recycling centers and the environment.

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