Filtering Radioactive Particles From Water

Reader Contribution by Linda Holliday
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Here in the Ozarks, we’re aggressively expanding our gardens, acquiring old-time skills and tools, and building people-powered devices. But, preparing for radioactive rain? We hadn’t thought of that.

While global warming still seemed a fairytale, I boycotted Styrofoam, aerosols, pesticides and paper towels after reading “The End of Nature” and “Earth in the Balance” 25 years ago. One little human, I hoped Earth would live a few more centuries.

I skimmed over forewarnings of nuclear mishaps and contamination, which were unfathomable to me then. Now, with an incalculable radioactive mess rolling across the Pacific, I want information.

Australian physician Helen Caldicott said recently, “the world would never be the same again,” after a tsunami crashed into the Fukushima nuclear complex in Japan. Caldicott has opposed nuclear power for decades. Her books include “Nuclear Madness” and “Nuclear Power is not the Answer.”

She warned us this could happen.

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