Radio Flea Market, 2m FM, and Other Ham Radio News

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Cy Curier (KITES) holds a portable 2m FM rig at the Deerfield, NH radio flea market.
Cy Curier (KITES) holds a portable 2m FM rig at the Deerfield, NH radio flea market.
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Copthorne Macdonald founded New Directions Radio in the early 1970s.
Copthorne Macdonald founded New Directions Radio in the early 1970s.

Copthorne Macdonald is the inventor of slow-scan television, a method of amateur radio transmission that allows ham radio operators to both hear and see each other during shortwave broadcasts.

Radio Flea Market

Last May I had an opportunity to meet some of the eastern NDR folks, and doing so proved to be a real treat! For the past several years, you see, Bob Robinson (K1PRR) has attended the Deerfield Hamfest–a giant radio flea market held each May in Deerfield, New Hampshire–and he thought that the event would be a good place to rendezvous. Six of us made it there: Lee Branum (KL71JG), Greg Bluhm (N1BHQ), Cy Currier (KITES), and Tim McEntee (WD4KN0), in addition to Bob and me. The festival was made even better for me by the excitement of seeing old friends whom I’d never met, which is one of the paradoxical experiences ham radio makes possible! I’m already looking forward to next year’s hamfest.

2-Meter FM: The Details

  • Published on Sep 1, 1981
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