Playing Stupid With Tourists

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Playing stupid for arrogant tourists is an fall recreation in Plumtree Crossing.

“If Adam came on earth again, the only thing he would recognize would be the old jokes.” –Thomas Robert Dewar

Well sir, if there’s a time of year when all God’s critters are busier than enny other time, it’s jist bound to be thet halfway season ‘twixt summer an’ fall. The bees, squirrels, and bears are all a-layin’ in stores agin’ th’ winter … and folks are canning garden victuals like Judgment Day was comin’ a week from Wednesday and they’re gittin’ ready fer company.

Fact is, even the gen’rally indolent members of the Plumtree Crossin’ Truth and Veracity League (fellers who, it must be admitted, were born tired and raised lazy) is engagin’ in they own partic’lar form of harvestin’ activity: what they calls “tourist shuckin’.” You’d prob’ly call it “playing stupid.”

Now all in all, you understand, us Barren County folks don’t hold no grudges agin’ our urban visitors. Most of ’em are friendly sorts who don’t do nothin’ more’n come this way once a year to git their necks cricked up over the fall leaves.

  • Published on Sep 1, 1980
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