Ten Models That Have Passed The Oregon Woodstove Pollution Standards

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Martenson Industries, Rawhide I RH 861.
Martenson Industries, Rawhide I RH 861.
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CESCO Industries, Fisher Tech IV.
CESCO Industries, Fisher Tech IV.
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Brugger Industries, BOSCA FS 500.
Brugger Industries, BOSCA FS 500.
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Woodcutter's Manufacturing, Blaze King.
Woodcutter's Manufacturing, Blaze King.
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Lopi Int., Answer A1.
Lopi Int., Answer A1.
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Osburn Industries, Regent 1000.
Osburn Industries, Regent 1000.

Oregon’s emissions standards for woodstoves go into effect next year, and at this point ten woodstoves have passed the Oregon woodstove pollution standards. (See the woodstove pictures in the image gallery.)

Five years ago, MOTHER was one of the first publications to warn of the problem of pollution from wood-burning heaters. And, in the interim, we’ve reported regularly on both continuing research into woodstove pollution and the search for solutions.

Keeping an eye on our collective chimneys has proven to be a far more pleasant job than we first imagined . . . simply because real progress has been made, progress that will, in the long run, prove to be a boon to all wood burners. Catalytic combustors–some of which can be retrofitted on existing woodstoves (see MOTHER EARTH NEWS NO. 90)–and improved stove designs have definitely increased woodburning efficiency.

Now there’s a new generation of woodstoves that fully incorporate these advances. The awesome improvement in performance they provide–from around 50% efficiency in the laboratory five years ago to better than 75% today–may well be as revolutionary as was Ben Franklin’s invention of the cast-iron wood burner 200 years ago. In fact, because draft problems and condensation in flue gases limit maximum practical efficiency to the low-to mid-80s, a few stoves are actually approaching the theoretical limits of efficiency! Pollution has been reduced to an even greater degree. The Pellefier, for example, emits less than one-twentieth the particulate matter of a conventional stove. And this fall the first tested models–products that represent nothing less than a technological breakthrough–are available for you to buy.

The Pressure is on for Woodstove Pollution Standards

  • Published on Sep 1, 1985
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