Old Dogs Rock

Reader Contribution by Bruce Mcelmurray
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Life is just full of surprises! Some are happy surprises and some maybe not so happy. We had a good surprise a few days ago that is worth sharing with readers because it reminded me of how truly inspirational old dogs can be. Carol had gone into town for our thanksgiving groceries and ended up coming home with a 15 month old German Shepherd female. We usually plan to do as much as possible on our trips to town because town is 45 miles one way. One of her stops was to pick up Rx for our senior German Shepherd male, Bozwell. 


Her trip to our veterinarian takes her right by the local animal shelter. She glanced over and saw a German Shepherd dog sitting in the corner of her outdoor enclosure. While we love all dogs the German Shepherd is our dog of choice. She pulled up to the enclosure and one of the attendants asked if she was looking for a dog. Carol said she wasn’t but wanted to take a picture and send it to me. As it turns out Lucy is 15 months old and was going to be transferred to another shelter in a distant city the following day.  

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