State-of-the-Art Composting Facility at Ohio University Leads in Green Technology

Reader Contribution by Dave Hamill
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In 2009, with my retirement from Ohio University looming over me, I didn’t think my personal involvement in the construction and startup of a Class 2 compost facility on Ohio University’s campus would develop into such a large operation. Class 2 compost (according to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency) consists of yard, agriculture, animal, or food waste, plus a bulking agent.

To get this project underway, thousands of yards of dirt on the campus’ periphery had to be moved to prepare the site, and then many yards of concrete were poured to construct the base of a metal pole barn, which would eventually house the composting machine.

Hauled by semi truck from Ottawa, Canada, the enormous composting machine was unloaded by crane and placed on the concrete pad. At times I wondered, “How’s this machine going to work?” But eventually, day-by-day, the entire process starting coming together like a huge three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle.

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