MOTHER’S Newsletter Topics

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Input from you, our readers, has led us to choose newsletter topics that cover the essentials of homesteading.

We try to make the most of the pages of MOTHER EARTH NEWS, but we know that certain folks out there seem to have an insatiable appetite for gardening, or herbal remedies, or alternative and inexpensive forms of construction. This kind of information, the kind that you can’t find anywhere else but in the backyards and living rooms of MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers and contributors, is what our newsletter series is all about.

We will fill a dozen pages, 10 times a year, on topics that you ask for specifically. No more wasting money leafing through a peck of magazines in an attempt to find the few pages you want. We’ve chosen our newsletter topics with you in mind. The content will be tailored by you and for you.

New Shelter Ideas

Since MOTHER EARTH NEWS first threw her weight behind Buckminster Fuller’s Geodesic Dome in 1971, finding new ways of thinking about basic shelter has been one of our central missions. In each New Shelters Newsletter, we offer one full plan of an alternative home, complete with a list of necessary materials and tools, as well as articles on the newest in insulation, log cabin construction, and how to get the most from your building tools.

  • Published on Feb 27, 2013
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