News on New Directions Radio Goals, Structure and Meetings

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Over the years we've had buckets of good ideas about new projects and ways to make our organization more accessible (and therefore more valuable) to the public, but somehow the majority of these plans have died in the planning stage.

The author of this column, who has been writing for MOTHER EARTH NEWS since 1973, is the inventor of slow-scan television . . . a method of amateur radio transmission that allows ham operators to both hear and see each other during shortwave broadcasts. New Direction Radio article MOTHER EARTH NEWS NO. 76, July/August 1982.

Thomas Edison once said that “genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”. That remark sometimes seems to apply to many of us who are members of New Directions Radio, because we frequently fall far short of achieving our New Directions Radio goals . . . thanks not to our lack of thought (though not usually genuis -level thinking), but rather to our lack of sweat! Over the years we’ve had buckets of good ideas about new projects and ways to make our organization more accessible (and therefore more valuable) to the public, but somehow the majority of these plans have died in the planning stage.

I mention this because, as Harry Spetla (KA2DRE . . . Dept. TMEN, Hoosick Falls, New York) recently found out, there are a lot of worthwhile–but unexecuted–ideas being tossed around NDR these days.

Harry, you see, sent out a questionnaire to East Coast NDR hams asking them for their views on ways to improve our nets and Roundtables and for ideas on how to encourage new membership and increase the usefulness of our newsletter. And since partial results from his survey are now in, I’d like to share the feedback with you.

The communication needs of developing countries could well provide a worthwhile focus for NDR radio amateurs’ energies.

  • Published on Jul 1, 1982
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