Nature Books, Nature Writing

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Grits Gresham knows about guns and knows how to write about them.
Grits Gresham knows about guns and knows how to write about them.
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The covers of three of the four nature books reviewed here.
The covers of three of the four nature books reviewed here. "This Incomperable Lande" and "Big Sky, Fair Land" are compilations of nature writing.
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Representative quote from
Representative quote from "This Incomperable Lande" (Ed Abbey): "Survival Hint #1: Stay out of there...The Great American Desert is an awful place."
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Representative quote from
Representative quote from "Big Sky, Fair Land": "Unchecked, the planet will run out of what we have taken for granted."

For the outdoorsman or woman with a literary streak, we offer these capsule reviews of four nature books. They feature some of the best new and collected nature writing produced on the North American continent.

Not Just for the Birds

Somewhere along the way, we lost the capacity to design perfect natural houses — all we can do now is hire architects and hope for the best. The sad part is that we then try to impose our artificially upon other creatures.

These thoughts are expanded in the introductory pages of Malcolm Wells’s Classic Architectural Birdhouses and Feeders ($9.95 postpaid from Malcolm Wells). The author, of course, is best known for his works on earth-sheltered housing and is universally recognized as an accomplished advocate of underground design.

  • Published on Mar 1, 1989
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