Mother Nature Teaches Flexibility During Times of Upheaval

Reader Contribution by Blythe Pelham
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My normal spring routine includes removing all of last year’s weed fabric from my veggie beds, weeding those beds and my perennial beds, laying down new fabric and straw in preparation for vegetable planting, then planting all of my babies in 6-8 hour stretches over a matter of weeks.

At the beginning of March, just as I was about to begin this time-intensive process, I came down with Covid-19. I’ll say right now, this was a strange and frustrating battle. The first week or so, I strongly sensed I should take it easy but not stay in bed. My daily routine was to move from my bed to my favorite chair so I could be upright. I took this opportunity to research and try to find out more about this new coronavirus.

The second week (10 days, actually) I had to force myself to make the trek down a simple flight of stairs to my chair. My daily shower and any cooking became distant dreams while my husband stepped up and took over my daily indoor chores.

I checked in regularly with my body about whether or not I should go to the hospital. Because of our worries, we ended up getting this finger oximeter. Though it came too late for monitoring during the worst of it, I’m finding it interesting how my oxygen and pulse levels vary depending on my energy output.

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