Is Rubber Mulch Safe for My Garden?

Reader Contribution by Linda Chalker-Scott
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I’ve heard mulches made from ground-up tires could be toxic. Is rubber mulch safe to put on my garden beds?

Rubber mulches made from shredded tires are touted by manufacturers as permanent, aesthetically pleasing, and safe for flowers, plants and pets. Companies assert that the mulch material is an environmentally friendly solution to a major waste-disposal problem. But scientific literature makes abundantly clear that rubber should not be used as a landscape amendment or mulch. There is no question that toxic substances leach from rubber as it degrades, contaminating soil, plants and waterways.

The toxicity of rubber leachate is mainly a result of its mineral content: Aluminum, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, sulfur and zinc have all been identified in laboratory and field leachates. Of those minerals, rubber contains very high levels of zinc — as much as 2 percent of the tire mass. If rubber products have been exposed to contaminants, such as lead or other heavy metals, during their useful lifetime, they will absorb those metals and release them as well. A number of plant species have been shown to accumulate abnormally high levels of zinc, sometimes to the point of death. U.S. Department of Agriculture researcher Rufus Chaney, who has studied zinc and other metals in soils and plant materials for decades, strongly believes that ground rubber should not be used in any compost, potting medium, or agricultural or garden soils because of zinc toxicity. Acidic soils and aquatic systems are particularly sensitive because heavy metals are less tightly bound to the soil and thus more available for plants and animals to uptake.

Rubber mulches can also leach various plasticizers and accelerators that are used during tire manufacturing. In high enough concentrations, some of these rubber leachates are known to be harmful to human health; effects of exposure range from skin and eye irritation to major organ damage and even death. Long-term exposure can lead to neurological damage, cancers and mutations.

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