“The art of…travel, and indeed all adventure, is the art of being bold enough to enjoy life now.”
(W.H. Murray)
MOTHER’S international mind, body, spirit travel trips offer unique, economical destinations around the world.
Many issues back, we warned readers that there would
MOTHER, as the cost of travel was destined to climb.
Sadly–and despite our efforts to hold prices down
while still offering memorable, and educational,
tours–this prediction has (with a few exceptions)
come true. On the other hand, the dollar is currently
stronger than usual against many foreign currencies, but
even this financial break is likely to be temporary . . .
while airfares continue on a never-ending upward spiral.
So, again, we feel there’s no time like the present to
indulge your wanderlust by taking advantage of our international mind, body, spirit travel trips.
What’s more, MOTHER’S trips offer a whole lot for the money
(In fact, we have some super bargains!) And in addition to
organizing thoughtfully selected and carefully planned
journeys, we provide opportunities for you to share your
experiences with some especially interesting, like-minded
folks. As one world traveler remarked during the final days
of our spectacular and eventful river rafting adventure in
Alaska, “You know, this whole trip has been great, but it’s
the people who’ve made it so special!”
We hope you’ll be “bold enough” to join and enjoy one of
our remarkable overseas adventures . . . now.
In order to accommodate different interests and budgets,
Jordan College, our cosponsor on this trip, has put
together three different options for our Hawaii Energy Tour
(December 6 to 13, 1982).
For $948, you can take a two-island alternative-energy
excursion of Oahu and Hawaii that–besides including
the usual opportunities for sightseeing–will show you
the advances being made there in wind and solar power,
aquaculture, hydropower, ocean thermal energy conversion,
and biomass and ethanol production. Or you can take a
similar energy tour of Oahu alone for only $848, and have
several days left to relax and explore on your own.
Finally, if you’d simply like to take advantage of our low
group travel rates, we’re offering a visit to Oahu (without
the guided tours) for $698.
All prices quoted are for Chicago departures (you can also
leave from New York or the West Coast) and include airfare,
hotels, and breakfasts. But send in your $200 deposit for
this trip right away, as time is short!
The wisdom that Paul and Anne Ehrlich bring to you via
their Ecoscience column represents, of course, only a
fraction of their work concerning our sweet and delicate
planet. And if you add the Ehrlichs’ discernment to that of
their colleagues, John and Cheryl Holdren, you have one of
the finest gatherings of scientific minds (and gracious
personalities!) around.
On our second South Seas Seminar (January 23 to February 5,
1983), you’ll have a chance to tap into this wisdom on a
personal basis. There–on the Polynesian islands of
Tahiti, Bora Bora, Huahine, and Rangiroa–we’ll spend
our mornings snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, while our
tour leaders reveal the intricate ecology of the fragile
submerged gardens that surround these tropical jewels. Your
afternoons will be free to help in underwater research or
to explore these island hideaways and their largely
unchanged cultures. And each evening, the Ehrlichs and the
Holdrens will lecture on environmental subjects of
worldwide importance.
The cost for this South Seas winter getaway–including
airfare, hotels, breakfasts, and dinners–is $2,495
from Los Angeles . . . and $200 will reserve a place.
“As I stepped out on my first day’s march in the Himalayas,
a strange exhilaration thrilled me. I kept squeezing my
fists together and saying emphatically to myself and to the
universe at large: ‘Oh yes! Oh yes! This really is
splendid! How splendid! How splendid!’ ” So wrote Francis
Younghusband after a 1924 trek in Nepal.
This exotic region still produces just such awe-inspiring
impressions for those who invest the time and energy to
explore it . . . and our Himalayan Spring Spectacular, set
for March 12 to April 1, 1983 (the season during which the
giant rhododendron trees are in bloom), offers as diverse a
sampling of the area as possible. After a visit to
Kathmandu, we’ll trek a little-known route overlooking the
great massifs of Annapurna and Manaslu (both of which are
over 26,000 feet high) and then raft the Trisuli River down
to the Royal Chitwan National Park for wildlife viewing
from elephantback.
The price of this excursion (which we guarantee will be one
of the most unforgettable experiences of your whole life!)
is $2,750, which includes airfare from New York and all
other expenses except for a few meals . . . and the
shopper’s bargains you won’t be able to resist in
Almost everywhere you go in Japan–even in the patios
of stores and hidden behind house walls–you’ll find
exquisite, serene little gardens. Though these plots are
stunning in their simplicity, the horticultural practices
that produce them are unique in the world and still very
much a mystery to most American gardeners.
We are fortunate, then, to have Dr. John L.
Creech–one of the Western world’s top experts on this
subtle form of garden design and cultivation–as the
leader of our Study Tour of the Plants and Gardens of Japan
(April 21 to May 12, 1983). Better yet, because of his long
acquaintance with Japanese authorities in this field, he’s
able to gain access to some private gardens seldom seen by
other visitors to this country. In addition, this trip has
been carefully timed to catch these living works of art in
all their spring glory.
The all-inclusive price (airfare from San Francisco, top
Japanese hotels, and all meals) is $3,795, and a $300
deposit will hold your place on a true botanical adventure.
Though a few details are still being worked out, we’re
delighted to offer you a second Visit to Findhorn and
Friends from June 2 to June 23, 1983. Not only will you
have a chance to live and learn at the New Age community of
Findhorn itself, but we’ll again spend a wonderful week
with those warm, fine residents of the Hebrides island of
Erraid (see page 24 in this issue) . . . with tentative
plans to end our stay by celebrating Midsummer Eve at
Glastonbury, the legendary burial place of King Arthur
(located just a short distance from Stonehenge).
Our 1982 Findhorn/Erraid visit was one of the most popular
and pleasing trips that we’ve ever sponsored, and our 1983
version should be even better. But space is limited, so be
sure to get your $200 deposit in early. The full cost will
be approximately $1,790, including airfare from New York
and all other expenses except for some meals en route and
in Glastonbury.
We were really amazed when our cosponsor, Jordan College,
came up with such bargain prices for the following travel
options to the International Solar Energy Society Congress,
which will be held in Perth, Australia in August 1983. This
international forum gives folks a chance to find out just
what’s happening in the alternative-energy field on a
worldwide basis, as well as the opportunity to meet with
its top leaders, scientists, engineers, and equipment
For those on a tight budget, a ten-day trip (August 10 to
20, 1983) costs $1,550, including airfare from San
Francisco or Los Angeles and university housing . . . while
the same trip with accommodations at a deluxe hotel is
priced at only $1,675. Or, after attending the ISES
Congress, you can extend your vacation until August
26–with visits to Thailand, Hong Kong, and
Japan–for just $2,750. And for an extra $75 a day,
you can also take advantage of an optional stopover in
Hawaii or Tahiti or both. Whichever of these itineraries
you choose, a $200 deposit will reserve your place. These
prices, however, don’t include the ISES Congress fee, which
ranges from $50 for student members of the society to $170
for adult nonmembers.
To make reservations for this trip, or any of our other
excursions, send your deposit ($50 of which is
nonrefundable)–by certified check or money
order–to MOTHER’s Tours, Hendersonville, North Carolina . . . or write for
more information.