Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay
Welcome to the new and improved Mother Earth News. We’re confident you’ll like what’s inside, and what’s ahead. For starters, this issue debuts a new look for the magazine. We think our sharp new design makes our articles easier to read, with bigger and better photos and more ways for you to access the practical information we pack into every page. We love the redesign — kudos to Art Director Matthew Stallbaumer — and look forward to how it will improve the magazine you know and love.
Also, we’ve added some new departments to give you more of what you want in every issue. Gardening, food and cooking always score well in the Editorial Advisory Group’s online surveys, so we have added “Eat in Season” and “Crop at a Glance.” The former features healthy, flavorful recipes tailored to seasonally available ingredients. To learn about heart-healthy oats and make delicious oatmeal pancakes, muffins and cookies, check out 7 Hearty Oatmeal Recipes.
“Crop at a Glance” will provide quick, handy growing guides written by our veteran contributing editor Barbara Pleasant. We’ll assemble these guides on our Web site so you can easily refer to them whenever you need to know the basics for any garden crop. You’ll find the first guide, which covers radishes, in Growing Radishes.
Mother Earth News has a long history of great reader contributions, and that continues with two more new departments. “We See You” features the best photos posted by readers on CU, our free photo-sharing Web site.
“Readers Write In” will showcase your reports on a variety of wise living topics. The first, Why We Love Woodstoves, counts the ways readers love woodstoves. We’ll be asking for your experiences on a variety of things — look for those call outs in that department and online, where you’ll be able to share your stories immediately. The Mother Earth News community wants to hear from you!
Through the Web site, the community’s dynamic conversations can continue and evolve in almost unlimited ways. For example, dozens of readers are using the comments feature on our Web site to talk about their successes and challenges with the Easy, No Knead Crusty Bread recipe we published in the December 2007/January 2008 issue. There also are lively online discussions underway related to the recent Live on Less cover story, and our poll on the aesthetics of wind turbines.
With the new magazine design, new departments and a major Web site redesign coming soon, the Mother Earth News community will be more interactive than ever before. Technology makes it easier for all of us to engage with and learn from each other, but it’s your collective passion and participation that makes our community a vibrant, powerful one. Stay tuned.
— Mother
P.S. If you’d like you join the Editorial Advisory Group, click here.