Financial Incentives Increase Recycling Rates

Reader Contribution by Junkwize
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Running a rubbish removal company in London brings me into contact with all sorts of people who have noble ideas with regards to the best methods to use to encourage recycling. The large majority of these proposals aim to extol the benefits of increasing the levels of environmental awareness in local areas whilst also improving hard infrastructure. My company, JunkWize, agrees with them to a certain extent.

Recycling Education and Infrastructure

Education clearly has an important role to play. It’s obvious that if we can educate the younger generation about the impact their actions can have on their surroundings, then they will be more likely to care about those same surroundings in the future. Over the last few years in London this kind of education has really grown in both scale and scope. As such, it’s now not uncommon to see groups of schoolchildren being supervised whilst they cheerily pick up litter and remove old bikes and trolleys from city streams.  

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