How to Gut and Skin a Deer

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In this beginner’s guide, you’ll find an introduction to gutting and skinning a deer, with simple, illustrated steps.

I can remember vividly the first time I gutted a deer. It wasn’t with my dad or uncle or grandfather, it was with another friend who had never done it before. We’d been anticipating it for quite some time, wanting to learn how to eat the deer, raccoons and rabbits we regularly saw dead on the roadside, how to eat wild meat from right where we lived. My friend got a book called Field Dressing Your Big Game, filled with detailed instructions and color photographs depicting the steps in gutting big game (deer, moose, elk, etc.). This and the deer were our teachers.

Eventually we found a road killed deer, and it was time. After stashing the deer in a good secluded spot near the road, we anticipated a lot of blood and gore, so we went and dumpstered some clothes so ours — though they were by no means fancy — wouldn’t get completely soaked in blood. We remembered all the steps from the book, and were quite shocked when we discovered how easy it was. And we only had blood up to our wrists; we did not end up soaked in it as expected. Since then I have gutted (or dressed) and skinned (undressed) countless deer and other creatures. It’s easy. Anyone can do it. You quickly realize how long your ancestors have been doing this once you try it. To many it feels so natural, it’s as though these actions are part of our cellular memory. Here is a brief description of the steps for gutting and skinning a deer, since various species of deer are found throughout much of the world and the steps in gutting and skinning them apply to many other creatures, along with a few tips and tricks we have learned over the years. All you need is a sharp blade, or a dull one and some extra patience.

How to Dress a Deer (Gutting)

  • Published on Aug 23, 2013
Tagged with: Miles Olson
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