Hispanic Access Foundation Rallies Latinos Around Environmental Issues

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Photo courtesy Hispanic Access Foundation
In association with one of the Hispanic Access Foundation’s environmental initiatives, youth gathered at the governor’s office in New Mexico to speak out for protection of the Gila River.

U.S. Latinos overwhelmingly support strong conservation initiatives, environmental protection and energetic government action on climate change, according to several recent demographic polls. However, not many organizations previously existed to rally the community around environmental issues.

The newly formed Hispanic Access Foundation is out to alter that situation by working with its network of Catholic and evangelical partners as well as 17,000 community-based service organizations throughout the country. As one recent initiative, the foundation created an alliance of Latino religious leaders engaged in efforts to protect natural resources. This alliance also aims to motivate other Latinos to take an active role in protecting public lands. Another project gathered young people to testify before a state senate committee to protect New Mexico’s Gila River. For more information, visit Hispanic Access.

K.C. Compton is senior editor at MOTHER EARTH NEWS magazine, and formerly was Editor in Chief of our sister publications, The Herb Companion and GRIT. A huge fan of the food chain, from molecules to meals on the table, K.C. is passionate about the idea that most of what we need to be healthy can be found in the garden. Find her on Google+.

  • Published on May 9, 2014
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