The Complete Guide to Internet Privacy

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Staying safe when using the internet.
Staying safe when using the internet.
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How to secure internet privacy on the homestead.
How to secure internet privacy on the homestead.
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Wireless internet and privacy.
Wireless internet and privacy.

Learn all you need to know in this guide to internet privacy.

The internet may not be a “frontier” anymore, however it can still be a wild place in the ways and mean we computer users may use it . . . and be used by it. The technologies, like the pathways of commerce, are new, and for the time being there are few laws regulating your online security and privacy. As with any huge gathering of people, the vast majority of the internet is composed of fair-minded citizens and good clean enjoyment, but a certain percentage is at least questionable, if not immoral or illegal. Learn how to stay safe in this guide to internet privacy.

You may have heard of the disastrous consequences of having your identity stolen” by an individual who uses your social security number and/or credit card number to purchase items, grab government benefits and commit other crimes. This is a consideration you must keep in mind when you use the Net because privacy violations, the dissemination of personally identifiable information, unwanted e-mail, viruses and e-commerce abuse are only going to get worse before they get better. Even though many Internet service providers (ISPs), the government and participating companies are doing a lot to help make the Internet a safer place, it’s still largely up to us to protect ourselves in the web wilderness.

Internet Connection Basics

When you connect to the Internet with a standard modem, you become one of millions of relatively anonymous dial-up customers accessing the Net via thousands of ISPs around the world. Your PC is assigned a temporary host name and (IP) address more or less at random by your ISP. This information does not pertain to you personally, but to your computer hardware as a part of Internet communications technology, and it stays with you only as long as you’re online.

  • Published on Oct 1, 2000
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