Good Business Advice: How To Get Free Advertising in Local Papers

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You'd be surprised how eager a local paper can be to print a story about you and your business or hobby. Make sure you utilize this resource for free advertising for your small business or at-home career.
You'd be surprised how eager a local paper can be to print a story about you and your business or hobby. Make sure you utilize this resource for free advertising for your small business or at-home career.
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For a
For a "u-pick" cherry story, you'll want a photo that shows how to pick 'em with a good shot of an orachard worker in a cherry-packed tree.
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An article about your own work must show you on the job. The blurred hands of this blocksmith give a feeling of action and movement.
An article about your own work must show you on the job. The blurred hands of this blocksmith give a feeling of action and movement.
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A college student who works at the Signal during his summer vacation does a bit of just about everything. Here he measures the size of a photo.
A college student who works at the Signal during his summer vacation does a bit of just about everything. Here he measures the size of a photo.
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The modern newspaper office of the Newhall Signal shows two members of the editorial staff as they turn out copy for publication.
The modern newspaper office of the Newhall Signal shows two members of the editorial staff as they turn out copy for publication.

Good Business Advice: How to Get Free Advertising

Do you have a product or service you need to sell? Would you like an easy way to draw attention to your at-home career or small business? 

The editor of your local newspaper wants desperately to give you free advertising. In fact, he or she would be overjoyed to print information about the crafts you make, the food you sell at your homestead, the business you operate or the service you perform.

There are, however, a few tricks that you’ll have to know in order to make that editor realize how much he wants to “promote” your home enterprise. And, since I’ve been in the newspaper game for eight years, I can tell you all about these gimmicks.

First, you must understand the “Golden Rule” of most newspaper owners: “Spend not!” Practically speaking, this translates: “Why hire two reporters when one can be made to do the work of two or three?” And this philosophy holds true for all but the largest, most prestigious papers in the country.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1979
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