The Last Laugh: Find a Lost Friend

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What would you do if you set out to find a lost friend and discovered him liquored up and sound asleep?

“Carlyle said a lie cannot live. Which shows that he did not know how to tell them.” — Mark Twain 

Well sir, Old Man Winter’s sure enough left his footprints on Plumtree Crossin’, and he weren’t wearin’ his lightweight city shoes, neither. In point of fact, it’s been so dadblamed intemperate here of late that Ott Bartlett has plumb give up spittin’ terbaccy juice in the out-of-doors; seems he jist can’t tolerate the way it freezes up in midstream and shatters as soon as the air gets to it.

But folks here don’t spend too much time strugglin’ with the inclement weather, anyhow. Leastwise, most of us have the God-given sense to put our backsides near somethin’ warm and wait till a feller can step outside without dressin’ up like a three-year stack of feed sacks.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1979
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